Friday, November 26, 2010

Richard Feynman

Richard Phillips Feynman, this Jewish man was born on May 11, 1918 in Far Rockaway, New York, United States. His father, a seller of military uniforms. He educates Feynman with a wide range of natural science. At the age of 12 years, young Feynman has made his own laboratory. He makes electrical experiments, make a simple radio, until it becomes a call amateur radio technician in his laboratory.
Not only that, he also played with simple chemistry experiments. The materials are taken from the leaves and his mother's spices.
after completing college majoring in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1939, Feynman continued his education to Princeteon University. That's where he met and trained famous astro-physicist, John Wheeler.

When Feynman was a speaker at colloquy periodically (student colloquy ), John Wheeler invited several renowned physicists at that time included Albert Einstein. In fact Einstein come and ask.
after from Princeton, Feynman joined the Manhattan Project, the first atomic bomb development project. He was stationed at Los Alamos to work on the theories of decomposition of the nucleus as a source of energy atomic bomb. He successfully completed a lot of problems and help the United States made the first atomic bomb.
After completion of this project. Feynman decided to join the Cornell University (1945 - 1950), then moved to California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and in 1959 was appointed professor of physics at Tolman university.

In 1961, Feynman could provide her basic physical sciences to teach new students the first year. Lecture was attended not only from the students themselves, but also by senior students, researchers, and even professors.Feynman of the world's biggest contribution is in the field of Physics Quantum electrodynamics. A quantum theory describing the interaction of light and matter (light-matter interaction).
Quantum electrodynamics theory pioneered quantum expert Paul Dirac, Werner Heisenberg, Pauli Wolf, and Enrico Fermi in the 1920's. Feynman successfully complete this theory.
In addition, the contribution of Feynman was "Feynman diagrams", which compress pages and pages of calculations into a simple diagram that easy to interpret physically.

Feynman diagrams explain's, how the two electrons repel each other when adjacent to a stream of photons. For this brilliant idea, Feynman got Physics Nobel prize in 1965, along with Julian Schwinger (United States) and Shinichiro Tomonaga (Japan). The three of them contribute the same in quantum electrodynamics, but a different mathematical methods.
Not only that, Feynman also contributed in several other areas of physics. Like the Theory of Liquid Helium (joint Russian physicist, LD Landau), Theory of Beta Decay, Parton theory that leads us to the understanding of Quark, and also involved in pioneering nanotechnology and quantum computers.
Inspiring adventure, fun, as well nosy, summed up in two books biography "Surely you are joking, Mr. Feynman" (1985) and "What do you care what people think" (1989).
Feynman had worked as drummers drum festival when he became a visiting professor at the University of Rio, Brazil. He also practiced drawing and some of his works have been published in the name of "Ofey". The most famous adventures was when successfully solve the mystery explosion of the space shuttle Challenger in 1986. Feynman died on February 15, 1988, because of intestinal cancer.

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