Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bill Gates

William Henry Gates III, better known by the name of Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington.

When he was eleven years old, his parents decided to send him to Lakeside School, a special primary school for boys. At Lakeside, in 1968 Bill Gates for the first time introduced the world's computers, in the form of a teletype machine.

He quickly mastered BASIC, a computer programming language, and with hackers who study on lakeside, he spent time with the hours to learn a lot about computers. Bill Gates took classes at Harvard University in Cambridge in 1975. There he met Paul Allen. Together with Paul Allen, Bill Gates continues to develop his talents in the field of computer programming. However, Bill Gates decided to drop out to donate his time for Microsoft.

Through his hard efforts, the company that he founded called Microsoft Corporation became success and Bill Gates become a millionaire. In 1990 Bill Gates successfully released a very successful operating system in the world market.

However, Bill Gates also got a bad reputation in his career. In 1990 Bill Gates received demands from the United States Department of Justice related that Gates has monopoly on small firms. In 2000, Bill Gates resigned from his position as Chief Executive Officer and he chose to return to his old profession who is Head of Research and Development of Software in his own company, Microsoft Corp. in 2008, Bill Gates decided to resign from Microsoft's management and concentrated on charity work through the establishment of social foundations, namely the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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