Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born in the area called Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, New York City. Since childhood, Zuckerberg likes to play with the computer, trying various computer programs and learn to make it. While in high school Phillips Exeter Academy, he and his partner, D'Angelo, made a plug-in for MP3 player Winamp. Plug-ins are computer programs that can interact with host applications such as web browsers or email for specific purposes.

Zuckerberg and D'Angelo made plug-ins to gather people to different types of favorite songs and then make his playlist according to their tastes. They send the program to various companies including the AOL (America Online) and Microsoft.

When go to college, D'Angelo entered Caltech while Zuckerberg entered Harvard. At Harvard, Zuckerberg finds the idea to making the online student directory because the university did not share the face book (a book that contains photographs of students and the identity of students at the university) on new students as a place of friendship between them. But each time he offered to create a directory, Harvard refused.

Although rejected, he is always looking for ways to make it happen. His first project is CourseMatch ( that allow classmates to communicate with one another on the website. One night in the second year he studied at Harvard, Zuckerberg's sabotage Harvard student data and put it into a website he created called Facemash. A number of fellow students photos posted there. Do not forget he put a sentence that asks patrons to determine which of these pictures are most "hot". Within four hours since he launched the website was carrying 450 people to visit as many as 22,000 photos Facemash and they are open. Harvard know it. Zuckerberg had case because he steal data. This curly-haired young man had to apologize to the colleagues who the picture entered in Facemash. But he did not regret his actions. "I think such information should be available (online)," he said. 

after that, he even made a new website with the name "Facebook" ( This website launched in February 2004. Facebook is a refinement of Facemash. function as a meeting place for fellow Harvard students. Facebook offers easy navigation for users. Each account owner has a room for displaying his picture, his friends, network, and do other things such as can send messages and so forth. The number of applications that can be used by its members make up well liked.

Investments in many applications make "Facebook" is different from previous social networking websites like MySpace. Then people flocked to his website and sign up to be members. Within two weeks after launch, half of Harvard students already have an account on Facebook. Apparently not only Harvard students who are interested, several university was requested to be included in the networking up. This makes Zuckerberg overwhelmed. He then requested the help of two friends to participate in developing Facebook. Within four months Facebook has been able to capture the 30 university. By the end of 2004 the number of Facebook users already reached one million.

Facebook users continues to increase. In fact there are some people who could no longer be a student or still at school wanted to join. The high pressure makes Zuckerberg and his friends decided to open up a network for high school students in September 2005. Soon they are also open networking office workers. This extraordinary busyness makes Zuckerberg should drop out from Harvard.

Zuckerberg and his friends then develop Facebook even further. In September 2006 Facebook opens registration for general networking with the terms have email. Since then the number facebook of members going up further. 
The success of the Facebook make Zackerberg accommodate tremendous wealth. Forbes magazine says Zackerberg own wealth reach U.S. $ 1.5 billion. magazine named him as The Youngest `Self-Made 'Billionaire on the Planet.
Aged only 24 years old Mark Zuckerberg, but he could produce 1.5 billion U.S. dollars. The success of the founders Facebook bring him within the ranks of 400 richest people in the U.S. version of Forbes.


  1. wew..millions use his service amazing he is

  2. Yeah.....
    Even until now, I still doesn't bored with Facebook application!!!!!
